High Vitamin C Content Foods

High Vitamin C Content Foods

Vitamin B6 is part of the B vitamin group, and it is a nutrient that humans need to obtain from their diet.

Such nutrients are known as essential vitamins.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin and it plays a vital role in protein metabolism, blood sugar regulation, immune function, and more (1).

Depending on the dietary source, vitamin B6 comes in several different forms. We can find the vitamin in plant foods as pyridoxine, and also in animal foods mainly as pyridoxal and pyridoxamine (2).

The recommended daily value for vitamin B6 has been set at 1.7 mg per day (3).

This article presents 30 foods high in vitamin B6.

Foods High In Vitamin B6.

1) Skipjack Tuna (Cooked)

All tuna contains good amounts of vitamin B6, but skipjack tuna is among the most concentrated sources.

Per half-fillet (154g) portion, skipjack tuna provides 89% of the recommended daily value (4).

Vitamin B6 per 1/2 fillet (154g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
1.51 mg (89% DV) 0.981 mg (58% DV)

2) Wild Atlantic Salmon (Cooked)

Salmon is one of the tastiest and most nutritious seafood options.

In addition to protein and omega-3, wild Atlantic salmon offers a good source of B vitamins. Per half fillet (154g) serving, cooked Atlantic salmon provides 85% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (5).

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
1.45 mg (85% DV) 0.944 mg (56% DV)

3) Chicken Breast (Grilled)

Chicken is protein-rich and packed with nutrients, and it is a particularly good source of B vitamins.

In this regard, a medium-sized grilled chicken breast provides 69% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (6).

Vitamin B6 per medium breast (165g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
1.17 mg (69% DV) 0.711 mg (42% DV)

4) Baked Potato

People are often surprised when they realize the broad range of nutrients that potatoes offer.

Among these nutrients, potatoes are a rich source of vitamin B6. One medium baked potato (including the skin) contains 52% of the daily value for B6 (7).

Vitamin B6 per medium baked potato (285g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.884 mg (52% DV) 0.31 mg (18% DV)

5) Yellowfin Tuna (Cooked)

Yellowfin is another variety of tuna that contains large amounts of vitamin B6.

Per 3 oz serving, yellowfin tuna offers 52% of the daily value for the vitamin (8).

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.882 mg (52% DV) 1.04 mg (61% DV)

6) Beef Liver (Pan-Fried)

Beef liver is a nutrient-rich organ meat that contains  51% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (9).

Liver is also incredibly high in other B vitamins such as riboflavin, vitamin B12, niacin, and folate.

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.865 mg (51% DV) 1.02 mg (60% DV)

7) Sea Bass (Atlantic, Cooked)

Sea bass refers to a common and popular family of fish that live around the world.

This fish is relatively high in vitamin B6, offering 45% of the recommended daily value per medium fillet serving (10).

Vitamin B6 per medium fillet (170g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.772 mg (45% DV) 0.454 mg (27% DV)

8) Durian Fruit

Durian is an interesting tropical fruit that is a source of carbohydrate and fat.

This unique fruit is also nutrient-rich, and it provides a good amount of vitamin B6. Per cup serving, durian offers 45% of the nutrient's daily value (11).

Vitamin B6 per cup (243g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.768 mg (45% DV) 0.316 mg (19% DV)

9) Beef, Round Steak (Grilled)

All beef is a good source of vitamin B6.

However, according to the USDA's FoodData Central database, round steak may offer the most.

Per typical 3-oz serving, grilled round steak offers 44% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (12).

As with all red meat, round steak is also high in other B vitamins such as niacin and vitamin B12.

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.754 mg (44% DV) 0.887 mg (52% DV)

10) Pork Chop (Lean)

Pork chops are among the most popular pork products, and they're one of the most nutrient-rich too.

Since vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, lean pork chops provide higher amounts of the nutrient. One large pork chop supplies 44% of the vitamin's recommended daily value (13).

Vitamin B6 per large pork chop (129g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.752 mg (44% DV) 0.583 mg (34% DV)

11) Ancho Pepper (Dried)

Ancho peppers are small chili peppers with a mild heat level.

These peppers are typically sold dried. As well as adding flavor to food, they are an excellent source of nutrients.

These tasty peppers are high in vitamin B6 too. Just one dried ancho pepper provides 35% of the daily value (14).

Vitamin B6 per dried pepper (17g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.601 mg (35% DV) 3.54 mg (208% DV)

12) Octopus (Steamed)

Octopus is another type of seafood that ranges in popularity, but again; it is very nutritious.

Among other nutrients, octopus is an excellent source of protein, selenium, vitamin B12, and numerous other B vitamins.

The vitamin B6 content of steamed octopus is 33% of the daily value per 3-oz serving (15).

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.564 mg (33% DV) 0.664 mg (38% DV)

13) Whelk (Cooked)

Whelk is the name for the different types of sea snails.

Although not as popular as some other types of seafood, whelk is incredibly nutritious.

Regarding its vitamin B6 content, a 3-oz serving of whelk offers 32% of the daily value (16).

Vitamin B6 per dried pepper (17g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.552 mg (32% DV) 0.65 mg (38% DV)

14) Ground Turkey (Cooked)

Turkey offers a similar nutrient profile to other poultry sources such as chicken.

A 3 oz serving of cooked ground turkey offers 32% of the recommended daily value for vitamin B6 (17).

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.538 mg (32% DV) 0.633 mg (37% DV)

15) Avocado

Avocados are a nutrient-rich fatty fruit that tastes great.

As well as being an enjoyable fruit, they can also be used to make tasty condiments such as guacamole.

Avocados are packed full of B vitamins and one whole avocado fruit offers 30% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (18).

Vitamin B6 per avocado (201g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.517 mg (30% DV) 0.257 mg (15% DV)

16) Haddock (Steamed)

Haddock is one of the most popular commercially sold fish, often described as a slightly more flavorful alternative to cod.

In addition to its protein content, haddock is a great source of B vitamins and it's very rich in vitamin B6.

Per typical fillet serving, the fish offers 29% of the daily value for the vitamin (19).

Vitamin B6 per fillet (150g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.491 mg (29% DV) 0.327 mg (19% DV)

17) Chicken Wings (Cooked)

Chicken wings seem to have become increasingly popular over the past few years, particularly with all the different flavors.

They offer a good source of vitamin B6 too, with a 3 oz serving providing 44% of the daily value (20).

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.474 mg (28% DV) 0.558 mg (33% DV)

18) Banana

Bananas provide a broader range of nutrients than most fruit, and their nutrient profile includes a good amount of vitamin B6.

Per regular medium banana, we can obtain 27% of the vitamin's daily recommended value (21).

Vitamin B6 per 3 oz (85g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.462 mg (27% DV) 0.367 mg (22% DV)

19) Sweet Potatoes (Baked)

Sweet potatoes contain a moderate amount of several B vitamins, including thiamin and vitamin B5.

However, they provide more vitamin B6 than any other B vitamin. Each medium-sized sweet potato supplies 26% of the daily value (22).

Vitamin B6 per medium (150g) sweet potato Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.45 mg (26% DV) 0.3 mg (18% DV)

20) Spinach (Cooked)

Spinach is a nutrient-dense leafy green vegetable that provides several B vitamins in high concentrations.

Among these, spinach is a great source of folate and provides a good amount of riboflavin and vitamin B6.

The B6 content of cooked spinach is equal to 26% of the daily value per cup serving (23).

Vitamin B6 per cup (180g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.436 mg (26% DV) 0.242 mg (14% DV)

21) Atlantic Mackerel (Cooked)

Atlantic mackerel is one of the most nutritious fish options. This oily fish is an excellent source of omega-3, protein, and a broad range of vitamins and minerals.

In regard to vitamin B6, one small fillet of Atlantic mackerel provides 24% of the daily value (24).

Vitamin B6 per fillet (88g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.405 mg (24% DV) 0.46 mg (27% DV)

22) Sunflower Seeds

As well as being a source of healthy fats, sunflower seeds contain a broad range of vitamins and minerals.

Among these nutrients, sunflower seeds are especially rich in thiamin and vitamin E.

These seeds contain a good amount of vitamin B6 too, offering 22% of the daily value per ounce serving (25).

Vitamin B6 per oz (28g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.38 mg (22% DV) 1.345 mg (79% DV)

23) Red Bell Pepper (Raw)

Red bell peppers are sweet, tasty, and refreshing. These peppers are also a great source of several nutrients, particularly vitamins A and C.

However, they're also a good source of vitamin B6, with more than 21% of the nutrient's daily value per regular-size bell pepper (26).

Vitamin B6 per bell pepper (120g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.349 mg (21% DV) 0.291 mg (17% DV)

24) Whey Protein Isolate

Whey protein isolate is a concentrated source of protein often used to supplement protein needs.

However, it is a misconception that it isonly a source of protein; it's a rich source of many nutrients.

Among these nutrients, whey protein isolate provides a good amount of B vitamins such as B6, B12, and the vitamin-like choline.

The provision of vitamin B6 is equivalent to 19% of the daily recommended value per ounce serving (27).

Vitamin B6 per oz (28g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.33 mg (19% DV) 1.163 mg (68% DV)

25) Pistachio Nuts

Pistachio nuts are hard to beat for taste, and they're quite nutritious too.

Per ounce serving (without shell), pistachios provide 18% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (28).

Vitamin B6 per oz (28g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.308 mg (18% DV) 1.09 mg (64% DV)

26) Rainbow Trout (Cooked, Farmed)

Rainbow trout is an oily fish that shares a resemblance to salmon in terms of appearance, taste, and nutritional profile.

Per small fillet, rainbow trout offers 16% of the recommended daily value for vitamin B6 (29).

Vitamin B6 per fillet (71g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.274 mg (16% DV) 0.386 mg (23% DV)

27) Pasilla Peppers (Dried)

Pasilla peppers are mildly hot chili peppers from Mexico.

As with most chili pepper species, they are surprisingly nutritious.

On this note, just one dried pasilla pepper provides 17% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (30).

Vitamin B6 per dried pepper (7g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.296 mg (17% DV) 4.23 mg (249% DV)

28) Chickpeas (From Dried, Cooked)

Chickpeas are one of the most popular legumes in the world.

These little legumes can be eaten alone or to make popular dishes like hummus.

As well as being a good source of protein, chickpeas offer a good range of essential nutrients. Their vitamin B6 provision is 14% of the daily value per cup serving (31).

Vitamin B6 per cup (180g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.236 mg (14% DV) 0.131 mg (8% DV)

29) Salami

Salami is a popular Italian cured meat that typically consists of pork, fat, salt, and numerous seasonings.

This Italian meat is an excellent source of the B vitamins thiamin, niacin, B6, and B12.

Per ounce serving, the vitamin B6 content of salami is equal to 9% of the daily value (32).

Vitamin B6 per oz (28g) serving Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.154 mg (9% DV) 0.55 mg (32% DV)

30) Dried Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are both delicious and nutritious. As well as adding great flavor to food, they provide a good range of vitamins and minerals.

In this regard, just four dried shiitake mushrooms provide 9% of the daily value for vitamin B6 (33).

Vitamin B6 per four dried mushrooms (15g) Vitamin B6 per 100 grams
0.145 mg (9% DV) 0.965 mg (57% DV)

Foods Highest In Vitamin B6 Per 100 Grams

For an informative at-a-glance comparison between these different foods, this table ranks them by their vitamin B6 content per 100 grams.

It is worth noting that each of these foods will have a different realistic serving size, so bear this in mind.

Rank Food name Vitamin B6 per 100g % Daily value
1 Pasilla pepper (dried) 4.24 mg 249%
2 Ancho pepper (dried) 3.54 mg 208%
3 Sunflower seeds 1.345 mg 79%
4 Whey protein isolate 1.163 mg 68%
5 Pistachio nuts 1.09 mg 64%
6 Yellowfin tuna (cooked) 1.04 mg 61%
7 Beef liver (pan-fried) 1.02 mg 60%
8 Skipjack tuna (cooked) 0.981 mg 58%
9 Shiitake mushrooms (dried) 0.965 mg 57%
10 Wild Atlantic salmon (cooked) 0.944 mg 56%
11 Beef, round steak (cooked) 0.887 mg 52%
12 Chicken breast (cooked) 0.711 mg 42%
13 Octopus (cooked) 0.664 mg 38%
14 Whelk (cooked) 0.65 mg 38%
15 Ground turkey(cooked) 0.633 mg 37%
16 Pork chop (lean) 0.583 mg 34%
17 Chicken wings (cooked) 0.558 mg 33%
18 Salami 0.55 mg 32%
19 Atlantic mackerel (cooked) 0.46 mg 27%
20 Sea bass (cooked) 0.454 mg 27%
21 Rainbow trout (cooked) 0.386 mg 23%
22 Banana 0.367 mg 22%
23 Haddock (cooked) 0.327 mg 19%
24 Durian 0.316 mg 19%
25 Baked potato 0.31 mg 18%
26 Sweet potato (baked) 0.3 mg 18%
27 Red bell pepper (raw) 0.291 mg 17%
28 Avocado 0.257 mg 15%
29 Spinach 0.242 mg 14%
30 Chickpeas 0.141 mg 8%


  • All nutritional values within this article have been sourced from the USDA's FoodData Central Database.
  • The daily values (%DV) have been calculated using a combination of the USDA data and the current recommended daily values.

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Source: https://www.nutritionadvance.com/foods-high-in-vitamin-b6/

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